Forever Driven
Driven to fight for her town, driven to fight for love.
Riley Davies never backs down from a fight. She stands up for herself and those who can’t stand up for themselves. But she is just the manager of a farm and can only do so much . . . until a political matter threatens to ruin her farm and the town she loves. Driven to fight the injustice of losing the farm and having the town of Keeneston destroyed, Riley dusts off her cowboy boots and runs for the State Legislature.
State Trooper Matt Walz has always been the lone trooper assigned to Keeneston since he was a rookie. And sometimes it takes stepping away from the place and people you love to discover you want to come back. Matt finds out Riley, the woman who had sparked his interest before he left Keeneston, is embroiled in political intrigue and insists on being the one to protect her. Now Riley and the entire town are in danger due to someone looking to run their own political game . . . even if it means murder.
Get notified the moment something new drops off the press… we promise not to bug ya, and just like all good Keeneston gossip… you’ll only hear from us when it’s juicy.
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