
Sale on Bluegrass Novels
In honor of The Keeneston Roses coming out on August 18th, there is a sale for the Bluegrass Series and Bluegrass Brothers Series novels. Bluegrass State of Mind, the first book in the Bluegrass Series, is still free and all other novels are discounted 20-25% depending on where you live. This sale is active in the United States, Great Britain, Australia, and Canada until August 6th, 2015. Tell everyone you know and get caught up just in time to fall in love with the Rose sisters’...

Women of Power Cover Reboot

Forever Bluegrass Cover Reveal
The Forever Bluegrass series will being on October 20th, 2015 with Forever Entangled.

For a Limited Time: Bluegrass on Kindle Unlimited
For all readers enrolled in Kindle Unlimited, this is your chance to pick up the Bluegrass and Bluegrass Brothers series books with your subscription. These tens books will be in the program for a limited time, so grab them while you can. Here is the list of books in the program and the order you should read them:
Bluegrass Series
Bluegrass State of Mind
Risky Shot
Dead Heat
Bluegrass Brothers Series
Bluegrass Undercover
Rising Storm
Secret Santa
Acquiring Trouble

USA Today Happily Ever After Feature
The Happily Ever After blog on USA Today has been running features on authors and their pets. My vizslas received an article recently and I wanted to share that news. I have always loved animals and find my past experiences with animals to be a great way to insert humor in the stories I write. Nearly every animal I’ve written into my books is, or has been, a part of my family. I hope their quirkiness brings you the same joy they brought me. For those that follow me on Instagram and...

Twas the Night Before Release
Twas the night before release, when all through the house
A single creature was stirring, repeatedly clicking her mouse.
The top literature blogs had been notified with care,
In hopes that many readers soon would be there.
My family was nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of Keeneston danced in my head.
And I in my flannel pajamas with a warm, fuzzy throw,
Had just finished watching the night’s last show.
When out on nowhere there arose a tiny beep,
I sprang from my...

USA Today Coverage for Forever Hidden
Nice little bit of press for my newest USA Today bestseller. I hope you all are enjoying the Forever Bluegrass series as much as I enjoy writing it. There are plenty more on the way over the next few years, so be sure to sign up for my mailing list to receive notification of new releases.

5 Author Myths Debunked
1. Authors write books like Colin Firth does in Love Actually. They sit at their typewriter in the countryside, with a person serving them food and drink as prose fall from their fingers.

What do your favorite authors really talk about?
Creating fictional stories can lead to some very strange conversations and thoughts. Here are a few of my favorites from author friends.
International Bestselling author Kate Perry writes about all these magical things and Happily Ever After. Her acclaimed Laurel Heights and Summerhill books are international bestsellers, as are her Fillmore &...
Kate Perry
When you’re a writer and have already come up with SO MANY words for the day, sometimes you just can’t write anymore.

New Series – Web of Lies – October 11th, 2016
Dear Readers,
This has been a very exciting year for me, and I hope for you as well. The Forever Bluegrass Series has taken us back to Keeneston and will continue to do so on July 19th when Forever Driven releases. I am so thankful for all your kind notes about Keeneston and am happy to announce the next Forever Bluegrass book will be released early 2017. Cover and title reveal will happen next week after Forever Driven’s release! But today I’m very excited to announce what will...
Get notified the moment something new drops off the press… we promise not to bug ya, and just like all good Keeneston gossip… you’ll only hear from us when it’s juicy.
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