Pre-order now available. Release expected April/May of 2024.
Hunter Townsend loves his new home in the small town of Shadows Landing. It’s his sanctuary when he comes home from a mission as part of his Special Forces team. Maggie, the infuriating, monogram loving, bright color wearing, cuter than she should be woman, who loves to tease him was the only issue in Shadows Landing. Until a mission goes wrong . . .
Maggie Bell is an Olympic sharpshooter and is getting ready to go for the gold once again. She loved nothing more than letting the handsome, yet cocky Hunter put his foot in his mouth over and over again by not telling him she was a better shot than he was. He just kept digging that hole and she just kept smiling. While everyone groaned when Maggie and Hunter started verbally sparring, Maggie loved it. She’d earn Hunter’s respect when he saw her win gold. That is, if anyone finally tells him she’s in the Olympics.
But that all seems inconsequential when Shadows Landing becomes a target. Now will Hunter and Maggie put their verbal sparring aside and find the threat before they end up in the crosshairs?
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